The old way of thinking said that toys were for home not for school. It used to be thought that toys were a distraction to students and playing wasn't part of the school day. Well, times have changed and experts agree that playing is one of the most important ways that kids learn. Playing allows students to mimic what they have learned, be creative, and express what is important to them.
Along with our thinking about toys at school, toys themselves have come a long way. There are many educational toys that help reinforce what teachers have been teaching and give children the opportunity to learn new concepts. Hands-on learning through these types of toys offers another way to learn in addition to oral and written learning. This type of hands on learning is called tactile learning.
To Introduce a New Concept
Teachers can use toys to introduce a new concept. A great example of this is the concept of money, making change, and the value of coins. By introducing a play cash register into the classroom, students can see the money, pretend to purchase items in the classroom, and make change for classmates. Now, by the end of learning a new concept, students have heard it, done written work on it, and touched the lessons making it much easier to retain.
To Reinforce a Concept
Once a new concept has been taught and practiced, reinforcing the concept is important. It is important because it can help students retain the information and allows any student who is struggling with the concept another way to look at it. Hands-on learning is important for students of all ages.
One example is a clock puzzle. After teaching students the concept of telling time, teachers can put out some clock puzzles and see how students place the numbers. Then students and teacher can take turns saying a certain time that students much show on their puzzle. There are many puzzles available that reinforce concepts such as numbers, letters, addition, subtraction, and more.
To Evaluate a Student
When a student seems to struggle with oral and written learning, presenting the material one on one through a toy is another option. This gives teachers the opportunity to evaluate a student's progress. If they can grasp the concept with the addition of tactile learning, then teaching methods simply need to be adjusted. If they cannot grasp the concept with the addition of tactile learning, then the student may need additional help.
When working one on one with students who need additional help or with special needs students, educational toys are a great way to evaluate the progress of a student. If they can't tell you verbally or show you through writing what they have learned, they may be able to present it to you through play.
Toys are not just for fun. Adding education toys to your classroom can help you to introduce a new concept, reinforce a concept and evaluate a student.