Once the dog has a dominant role in the report pack hit hard to lose. This is what I call the paradoxical effect in connection with the nature and role of the pack. As the dog to see the owner and other related to dominance within the pack requires the ability to understand this shift in perspective. The owner has changed the context of the role to understand the passage to help the development and maintenanceThe psychological change in power.
I often use the example of being the head of a large company. The head of the case, the tension created by this position dealing with questions of representatives of workers and the added responsibility. Suddenly, the owner of the company decides for you based on the path of the archivist for the health of society transfer. Your immediate reaction may be to question and oppose this sudden change of roles. The paradox of this situation is that onceTransition to this new role to start changing way of thinking. Suddenly you realize the stress and anxiety is gone. You do not all have a responsibility not much, you feel happier. Note the owner made a favor, even if at the time of the contested decision and went kicking and screaming the whole way.
The passing of the dominant dog in the trailer follows a similar path in the report package. Will not like this changeRoles. The psychological change is perceived as a challenge to the dominant dog and a level of "not as" the results. The level of challenge and a lot of time it takes to step into the role of a dog trailer depends on how much power has won the dog within the relationship. However, the benefits of creating and maintaining a role as a follower for your dog are the same. Stress and anxiety from that caused dominant role in this package are gone. Behaviors that have been linked to this increasewas possessive and authoritative to be decreased.
Change the way it can be difficult when you think of strength and challenge of transition. Some reactions authority invested in our feelings in a way to strengthen this role could be already dominant. These links to human psychology in a way which conflicts with nature. Renouncing claims that the nature and an admission of defeat, a defeat almost anything is possible.
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