Some girls prefer toys for intellect, such as strategy board games or computer software, so be sure to keep your eyes and mind opened for girls toys that stimulate and educate. And if you are not sure what to buy her, just ask.
Girls toys have come a long way from the traditional baby doll or Barbie set, with plenty of options for educational and creative exploration into careers and academic subject matter. Popular girls toys in this modern and liberated world, include career dress-up kits and board games designed to challenge their intellect and help them to develop life skills.
For the younger child who does not own her own cell phone, try a Flip Phone-styled Walkie Talkie set with real features and transmissions. Designed like an actual cell phone, this product is geared for youngsters aged 6 years and up, and prepares them for reality when they will one day be handed their very own cell phone. And in the meantime, they will have loads of fun chatting with a partner on this high-tech gadget designed for girls.
The classic girls toys never goes out of style, with such favourites as a doll collection, playhouse, party tea set, and stuffed animals. In addition, a popular trend is to encourage creativity with a play-safe oven for real baking, grocery store shopping carts and her very own make-up kit to experiment with colour.
Celebrity branding and girls toys related to the television are always a winner with any aged child. Whether her favourite is Hannah Montana, Dora the Explorer or a cuddly creature from Sesame Street, these companies all produce merchandise with new and fresh product lines each year. Choose from puzzles, board games, stuffed toys, dolls and even Nintendo games that reflect her favourite characters.
Disney is a great source to find the latest girls toys inspired by their famous films and enables the child to start her own merchandising collection. Choose from stuffed animals, dolls and accessories, costumes, soundtracks, and more for high quality merchandise from a name you can trust. And the Disney collection offers a wide selection of toy choices ranging from toddler to the teens, making them an ideal place to start when shopping for more than one girl at a time.
Older children may appreciate girls toys that let her imagination run free with toy choices such as doctor or nursing kits, the Pretend and Play Checkbook, or a child's science kit with a functional microscope. If you don't have a lot of personal information about the child you are buying a gift for, then the classic standard girls toys will be appreciated. However, if you know the child has an interest in science, nature or a particular career, the toy industry is abundant with creative ideas for you to find the perfect match to her personality.
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