Saturday, October 2, 2010

The importance of children's toys in brain development

The first three years of a child are critical to brain development. During this time, the brain puts weight tripled and billions of nerve connections. At age three, children are twice as many nerve connections as many adults. This is why children are very curious and inquisitive.

Their brains absorb much information at once, for the construction of new connections and associations, and a sense of all things new and unfamiliar sounds andthat bombard their senses. This is also why the toys are intended for children, the way: colorful, bright, with lots of different textures, shapes, sizes and materials according to various. These are all for the promotion and development of the mind of a child.

The differentiation and classification
In the early stage of development, one of the key things that a child learns, is a differentiation and classification. Toddler toys such as blocks,stuffed animals, stuffed gym game, spiky rubber balls and mats to help a child to see the different textures and shapes of different objects. After the baby toys in different colors in different colors and shades, also allows a child to recognize the nuances and the basic principles of color, creativity and imagination. help expose the child, many colors, shapes and textures as possible to broaden their perceptions and sensory experiences, and help them, amore complete picture of the world.

Emotional intelligence and imagination
There are also toys for children, emotional intelligence and imagination to promote. What are the most popular music games for children. Music Toys help children learn balance and harmony, and promote their creative minds with the melody and artistic rhythm interesting. classical music, especially Mozart violin concertos, is also a great help in the development of the child's brain andImagination.

Logic and reasoning
While children have most of the neurons they need to work in their lives, their neurons are not set for wired networks to complex thought processes required form. the early years of a child who quickly with each other and the neurons form connections, or synapses. toys such as puzzles, mind games, mixing and matching, playing cards and mind maps to help the children can make connections and develop their complex quicklyThe logic and reasoning.

Memory and concentration
These days, with many technological advances and a barrage of media reports and information from theaters to home video, 3D games, daily cartoon channels to access the Internet and online entertainment, interactive billboards and LCD screens, omnipresent advertising and sophisticated gadgets, children's and young boys have shorter attention span and concentration. If you are easily distracted and bored. Traditional toysChildren can help them be better to increase more patience, attention and concentration, their ability to listen, to filter out distractions and improve their memory.

traditional toys that require thinking, the children sit down and tinker for a few minutes or even an hour will help the child to acquire good habits and formal discipline, two important features for best performance in school and the adult world.

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